About Us

Hi Friend,

My Name is Jaidev Roy the founder of Krooknews.

I am a Chemist by profession but Blogger by passion.

I have been doing blogging and affiliate marketing since 2016, and established a few digital online businesses and my success is nowhere hidden from my social community.

Jaidev Roy

I am passionate about sharing my all learnings and experiences of Blogging, SEO, Google ranking, and passive income tips to my readers and every Blogging Enthusiast.

KrookNews is a rapidly growing online news website in the country. We have a group of qualified writers and journalists who write Tech, Entertainment & sports articles for our site. The team of experts gathers Entertainment news from different trusted sources all over the world.

Krooknews.com provides live updates and in-depth analyses of professional sporting event that happens around the world. From the Indian Premier League, happening in the Indian subcontinent, including Football, and other games.

Founder & CEO of KrookNews.in

About Jaidev Roy- Jaidev Roy at KrookNews.com is a well-known blogger from India. He loves to write about Sports, Technology, and Games.

KrookNews Team:

Jaidev Roy – Senior Content Writer

Priyanka Joshi- Content Writer

Chnchal Bishwas- Content Writer

Shubham Mandal – SEO Executive & Writer